Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I taught a lesson on the importance of journaling in young women's last week. What a great lesson for me to have to teach. I am the worst journal writer out there. I understand the importance of it, I just either don't want to do it or don't make the time to do it. Also, I don't really feel like my life is interesting enough to record it. But as I encouraged the girls to write in a journal regularly, I made a promise that I too would work harder to become a regular journal writer. Blogging for me is one way in which I can record the daily musings of life at my house.

In the past as I have posted on the blog, I have always tried to make sure that everything I write sounds just right. Well no more. Thats not true journaling. Also, if I am being honest, I have been more concerned with what others will think of my family than conveying a true picture of our imperfect sometimes perfect life.

So here is my pledge to write more, to write more often, and to write more honestly.

We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Jannifer said...

I actually like the blogs that are honest better. But it is hard to sometimes be honest because you never know who will read your blog and because so many blogs do seem to have that "perfect" life. I think it's a good pledge, I probably need to do the same. ha