Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just Us

It's obvious that blogging has not been anywhere near the top of my to-do list. 
It's still not.
But there are a few moments from the last couple of months that I don't want to forget.

 Halloween 2011
Brooks traveled from house to house in his favorite toy.
He LOVED everything about the evening.
Thanksgiving 2011
A very successful attempt at a family photo, no?
Needless to say Brooks did not get a nap all day.
Brooks, cousin Emma, and Moxy waiting for Thanksgiving dinner at aunt Keli's house.

Just my cute boy! 

Brooks is now 19 months old. I can hardly believe it. He is 100% boy. That's the only way I can describe him. He loves anything that drives and has mastered the noise that the engine makes. It is so adorable to watch him drive his cars all over the furniture and make the sound. He talks all day long and can pretty much communicate everything he wants through speech. He is absolutely obsessed with his daddy and asks for him about 50 times a day. He will eat just about anything I put in front of him, excluding cottage cheese and macaroni and cheese. He loves to color and watch Toy Story, and loves loves loves puppies (all dogs). He is such a copy-cat and mimics everything I do. He makes me laugh a million times a day and makes me want to pull my hair out about four times a day. But man, I am so in love with this boy! 

18 month stats:
Weight - 26 lbs - 55%
Length - 34.5 in - 95%
Head - 18.9 in. - 56%

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