Thursday, October 13, 2011

Young Women's

My life has been a little hectic as of late.
One of the reasons for the madness is this...
I got called to be the first councilor in the young women's presidency in my ward.
It's still pretty new, but I already know that I am going to love this calling maybe more than any other calling I have ever had.
The girls are awesome and the other leaders are amazing.
I am truly blessed.

A couple of weeks ago for mutual, the mia maids and I, and my advisor, went to a local bridal shop to try on modest prom dresses. It was so much fun! Those girls are seriously so cool. 
I look forward to all of the adventures that this calling will bring about and hope that maybe in some small way my service will benefit some of the girls' lives.
I know it will benefit mine a thousand times over.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

What a fun activity! You're going to be awesome as a YW leader, I have no doubt. :) I was the Mia Maid adviser for 1.5 years and LOVED it... it's such a fun age. The girls are past the primary point, really teenagers, but not so busy with life that they don't have as much time for YW's, like they tend to get after turning 16. Enjoy your awesome new calling!