After I had Brooks, people told me I would forget all about the terribleness of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the recovery that followed. I did not believe them, nor was I planning on having another baby; EVER. As a lot of you know, my body had a very rough time recovering from the madness of labor and delivery. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, did. And the thought of doing it again made me want to cry. But I loved my baby more than anything and at the end of the day, everything I went through was well worth it. Now here we are, a year and a half later, and I find myself thinking about another little one. Am I crazy?? Maybe. So I try to remind myself all about the negative things that came with the first little one, and you know what? I am having a hard time remembering. How does this happen? My theory: Heavenly Father knows that in order for his children (especially the women) to continue to multiply and replenish this earth, he must wipe their memory clean of past hardships due to the process. It's not that I can't remember what happened, cause those are memories that will be burned into my brain forever, it's just that I can't remember them being that bad. And not only that, but I find myself thinking that I can do it again. I told you, something crazy has started to happen.
Just a side note:
I am well aware of the many hardships that a lot of women go through to get their children here. Hardships that are a million times worse than mine. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have even been able to have Brooks, and not a day goes by that I don't thank my Father in Heaven for him.
I had no idea you had such a hard time. Just labor without complications sounds awful to me. ha I have thought of this also. I really agree with the theory!
I didn't know you had such a hard time either. Honestly, I'm scared to death to be pregnant again. I definitely want more kids but since I had such severe preeclampsia with Lucas I'm at risk for it again. We got lucky with Lucas but I keep thinking what if I have to deliver even earlier next time and things don't turn out so well. But my desire for more kids is growing stronger and I just have to tell myself "I can do this." Hang in there and know that you're not alone in feeling the way you do.
It's true you forget. I was on bed rest with Zane at the end and thought I would die of boredom. But just a mere year after I thought it would be so fun to have a baby. Then all the sudden I was pregnant again..and it was a suprise and I thought I was going to die and I was so made at myself for missing a few days birth control until I heard that little heart beat for the first time. Now I can't remember anything but sweet moments with a newborn baby. :)
It happens to the best of us! :) Totally normal. And awesome, really. Cause all of us would only have 1 child if we remembered just how awful it truly is! You're not crazy at all... very normal!
I didn't know your labor and recovery was so hard. Did you ever blog his birth story? We all understand how you feel and what you mean. I hated being pregnant and loved my labor but recovery was hard cause I had preclampsia. But I think I was a little more crazy than you I started thinking about another one at my 6 week appointment after I had Brighton! Talk about a crazy person! I still can't explain it? But I was sane enough to wait a year and a half. So far this pregnancy has been Night and Day and so much better than with Brighton and everyone says your body remembers and labor is easier on you the second time around so I look forward to that. And so far no preclampsia for me :) You will know when it's right for another one and it's true they are all worth it!
You can do it! It's worth it. :) It's fun to watch little siblings play together, even if sometimes I feel like I'm heading for the looney bin by the end of the day. I'll be honest, I think we'll probably space out child #3 a little more than the first two were though. I hope that whenever you do decide to have baby #2 that all goes well!
I thought this was miraculous as well! And have even asked my husband a couple times if my pregnancy with Siena was really this bad! Sure enough he remembers all too well! 18 months is when I got the itch for another one too!
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